About the Exhibit:
Come explore our new Seagrass Exhibit at Manatee Lagoon- An FPL Eco-Discovery Center®. Learn about how important seagrasses are, not only for our manatees, but the entire Lake Worth Lagoon Ecosystem! Seagrass is the main food source for manatees and the only flowering plant that lives completely underwater. There are about 60 species of seagrass worldwide, but only seven species are found in Florida. In addition to serving as an important food source, seagrass beds also serve as a habitat for many invertebrates and smaller fish. Seagrass beds also help maintain good water quality for this precious ecosystem. The root system helps to keep the sand on the sea floor and prevents it from getting stirred up in the water. This helps improve water clarity, allowing sunlight to penetrate the water and reach marine vegetation.
Visitors to Manatee Lagoon may ask, “What’s happening to manatees in Florida?” According to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, there has been a high level of manatee mortalities. This exhibit aims to teach visitors about what contributes to the loss of seagrass as well as steps everyone can take to help. For even more information, please visit our Protect Manatees page.
Thank you to Friends of Manatee Lagoon for funding this exhibit and furthering our mission of manatee and marine life education.”